Attempted carjacking forces school lockdowns

? An attempted carjacking forced Ward Melville High School and Arrowhead Elementary School in East Setauket to lock down Tuesday morning. Officials say the incident took place in a nearby Wal-Mart parking

News 12 Staff

Sep 17, 2008, 2:05 PM

Updated 5,834 days ago


? An attempted carjacking forced Ward Melville High School and Arrowhead Elementary School in East Setauket to lock down Tuesday morning.
Officials say the incident took place in a nearby Wal-Mart parking lot. The victim says a man tried to steal her car and then fled toward the schools when she screamed. She told police she thought he had a gun.
School officials say all of the students are safe and that the lockdowns, which were lifted approximately two hours later, were ordered as a precaution. Automated phone calls went out to parents as the lockdowns were initiated.
Police are using surveillance video to determine the chain of events. They describe the suspect as white, unshaven, 5 feet 6 inches tall, in his 30s and having a stocky build.
Anyone with information is asked to call Suffolk County Crime Stoppers at 1-800-220-TIPS.